On The


Preserving Our Second Amendment

Tom has an A rating with the NRA and has been proud to stand strong for our second amendment rights. Tom has been invaluable, fighting against the Far-Left’s agenda in the House of […]

National Security

Oklahomans know very well the importance that the state plays in keeping our nation safe. From protecting our military installations from cuts and continuing to work to add missions, to continually winning pay […]

American Energy Independence

Tom successfully fought to end the oil export ban and continues to fight for American Energy Independence and Oklahoma’s economy by standing up to Far-Left Democrats who want to put hardworking Oklahomans out […]

Protecting the Unborn

Tom has a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee, An A+ Rating from the Susan B. Anthony List, and has always fought to protect the unborn. Even before videos uncovered […]

Debt and Spending

While dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic placed the country in a position to spend trillions of dollars to protect the economy, develop vaccines in the most comprehensive public/private partnership since World War II […]


Tom has long been a strong supporter of our veterans. The son of an Air Force veteran, he has been honored by the Oklahoma Veterans Council and the VFW of Oklahoma for his […]

Securing Our Border

Tom has always believed that border security is the most important component of our immigration policy. Tom voted in favor of the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and supported President Trump’s efforts to […]

Growing the Economy

Tom continues to fight for policies that allow the private sector to flourish. The best way for government to create jobs is to get out of the way and let American ingenuity and […]

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